Julie Rrap

Here is the link for the clip where Julie Rrap discusses artworks in her 2007/8 exhibition at the MCA Sydney.

Please answer the following questions. Make sure each response is well considered, you will need to do a little more research to answer some of these questions. Answers to these questions will be excellent in informing exam responses.

  1. Discuss Rrap’s intentions as an artist and the relevance of her choice of media to these intentions.
  2. Why has the body been such a focus for female and/or feminist artists?
  3. Consider the fragmentation of the body image in popular culture. How have postmodernism and feminism worked to differently interpret and reconfigure the body? Refer to examples to support your answer.
  4. How has the perception of images of female nudity changed over time or in various contexts? Discuss your different responses to these images in an art gallery, in magazines or on the internet. What informs your reactions? How do people of a different generation, for example your parents or teacher, respond?

Here is some extra information about Julie Rrap and some further information about the artwork below. julie-rrap


Julie Rrap Overstepping (2001) digital print 120 x 120 cm Courtesy the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney and Arc One Gallery, Melbourne © the artist


Julie Rrap Untitled (after Manet’s ‘Olympia’), 2002
Vutek print; solvent pigment inks on canvas 81 × 120.5cm
Edition of 9